Saturday, October 28, 2017

生於C AllStar演唱會2017.
Fangirl - C AllStar 篇

C AllStar -- 是一隊香港樂壇的四人男子組合...
成員包括陳健安(On仔),吳崇銘(King),梁釗峰(釗峰) 和 何建曦(Jase)。
四位成員是KingdomC舉辦之歌唱比賽『星投大戰』的最後四強,亦是不同大專歌唱比賽的冠軍。四人均有獨特聲線及唱功,以唱無伴奏合唱 (A Cappella)為人所熟悉。其音樂作品以廣東歌為主,歌曲題材多數是散播正能量和反映當今香港社會現象。

To be honest, C AllStar's songs are mostly based on the current situation in Hongkong...
But how did i get to know them or started liking their songs?!
I think i have to backtrack to a few years back -- 
天梯 was the very first song of theirs that i listen to... 
A lot of artistes covered this song though, and the first version that i listened to was Twins.
I thought the song's quite nice though, that's when i started googling about it. 
I got to know the story behind 天梯 before i started listening to the song. 
And ever since, i had only one of C AllStar's song in my playlist...
Until Ahleong was teasing me about how LF's songs was never on the radio (he was listening to the Malaysia radio though, because we cant play cantonese songs on local radio), then he was telling me this one song that he likes. So in the lorry (it was still 8888 back then), 時日如飛 was playing.
And im like, eh this song like not bad leh. So i started googling for lyrics, ohh it's C AllStar again.
That's how it all started...

But yup, their songs are mostly on Hongkong's current situation...
To be honest, i feel that Singapore is very similar to Hongkong though.
Idk if any of you feels that too...
They played around with different genres in their albums and compositions just because they wanted the Hongkongers to like Cantonese songs more!!!
I've always liked Cantonese songs, so it doesnt matter to me, because i dont listen to English songs, that's one. And i dont even listen to Chinese songs now...

Yup, i think that's how it all started...

Back to the concert, ...
A concert filled with laughter and tears...
Im glad i made the right decision to go over to Hongkong and watch the concert.
Given up jobs for the 2 nights of concert, was totally worth it!
Had the chance to go backstage cause of 阿簡, had a small chat with 釗峰 and On仔, had a chance to take a group photo with C AllStar!
It's a group photo before they disband to do things on their own.
The new songs in the new C AllCollection has songs that makes C AllFans cry!
I started tearing on the 2nd night when 天梯 started playing.
That was the first song that i listened to, was so touched at the whole concert.
The 全場大合唱,the whole show was OMG!
I literally teared for a good 3 songs!
Such a wonderful show.
And they actually thanked crews/operators on board for their show!
That is a plus point, to people like us doing productions/AV.
Ohh, and On仔 really remembers me, i melted. 
And that hand on my shoulder while taking the group photo!
I realised he loves looking people into the eye when he talks to people, like the first day backstage, he was doing make up, and he just keeps turning back and talk to me. Hehhe. 
皇上 just nodded. :( Didnt even have a chance to talk to him.
I died~ 
These are my #此刻無價 !!

I think whatever that i want to say was expressed on my Instagram,
so yup, till the next time...

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